Sunday, June 2, 2019

Wearing Hijab is Obligatory, Not a Choice

In our generation today, unfortunately we have witnessed events and scenarios where women who have worn the hijab have removed it and justified their actions by saying it is their choice.

I've made a whole thread about this on Twitter and I decided to post it here as well.

First and foremost, wearing the hijab is faardh (obligatory) and there is no exception. This needs to be made clear because apparently many Muslims do not understand this. Just like praying 5 times a day is obligatory upon us, wearing hijab is obligatory upon women. 

Muslims are so quick to say “it’s your choice, it’s your life.” 

Women who don't wear hijab or take it off try to defend their decision by saying it is their choice and they make it sound as though the act of wearing hijab itself is “optional “ when it is NOT optional at all. 

We need to be careful when saying “hijab is a choice.”

Rather we can say “Following the commandment of wearing hijab is a choice but that choice comes with responsibility. Wearing hijab is obligatory (Fardh) and disobeying this commandment is a sin.” It is your choice of whether or not you wear the hijab, but you will have to pay the consequences for not wearing it in the Hereafter.

This is true for other sins as well. For example, not wearing hijab, not praying, not fasting in Ramadan, all of these are sins and you will be held accountable for them. Saying it is your choice on whether or not you do obligatory actions does not justify your sin of not doing them and it does not change the fact that there are consequences.

The fact that I’m stating “hijab is obligatory” so many times is because more recently we have witnessed Muslim hijabi fashion influencers who have removed their hijab despite the fact that they have a large platform and millions of followers (i.e Dina Tokio)

When hijabi influencers with a large platform openly take off their hijab, what’s worse is when they justify it and make it seem as though THEY are the victims. 

There is no justification and you cannot change the commandment of wearing hijab to fit your personal needs.

And then we have Muslims who are so quick to comment “don’t judge, stop with the hate comments, it’s their choice.” No one is denying the fact that they have free will. But when Muslims who care about the ummah comment about hijab, it’s deemed to be judgemental or hateful???

Yes, it is your choice whether or not you obey this commandment but denying that wearing hijab is obligatory is an act of Kufr (disbelief). Especially when you have such a large amount of followers, you will in fact be responsible for the content you put out there.

“And tell the believing women... to guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands...”
[al-Noor 24:31]

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