Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pillars of Imaan

To believe in:
1) Allah (in His Existence, His Oneness in His Attributes, His deserving to be worshipped and supplicated and His right to legislate.)
2) The Angels
3)The Books (The Torah, Gospel, Psalms, and Qur'an)
   The belief in The Books Comprises of 4 matters:
1. To believe that the descent of the Books is truly from Allah (swt)
2) To believe in the Books whose names we know, each according to its name, like Al-Qur’aan which was sent down unto Muhammad (N), At-Tawraat which was revealed to Moosaa (O), the Injeel which was brought down to ‘Eesaa (O), and Az-Zaboor which was given to Daawood (O). As to those Books which we don’t know their names, we believe in them on the whole. 
3) To attest to their authentic information like the news told in the Qur’aan and (or) in the old Scriptures as long as they are not altered or changed. 
4)Acting upon its un-abrogated statutes, accepting and submitting to them whether we realize the wisdom behind them or we don’t. All of the old Scriptures are abrogated by the Great Qur’aan.
4)The Messengers
      The belief in the Messengers Comprises 4 Matters
  1. to believe that their Message is a true one from Allah
  2. to believe in those of them whose names we know. As regard to those of them whose names we don't know, we believe in them on the whole (as true Messengers from Allah (swt)
  3. to believe in what is authentically reported from their news.
  4. To act upon the Sharee'ah of the Messenger who is sent to us amongst them, and he is Muhammad (saws), the last o the Messengers (and Prophets) who is sent to mankind.
5) The Last Day (the day of resurrection for the reckoning of the people according to their deeds and their appropriate compensation (award or punishment).
6)Qadr (Divine Preordainment)
Belief in the Qadr comprises of 4 matters:  
First: The Belief that Allah (G) knew everything on the whole and in detail which took place in the past and is taking or will take place in the future and forever, whether it is related to His Actions or the actions of His Ibaad (creatures). 
Second: The Belief that Allah (G) wrote (everything pertaining to His Knowledge) in Al-Lauhul Mahfoudh.[1]  Regarding these two aspects (knowledge and writing

Third: The Belief that all created things do not come to exist except by the Will of Allah (G) making no difference whether it pertains to His Action or to that of the created beings
Fourth: The Belief that all beings are created by Allah including Thawaatiha (their selves), their qualities and their motion.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Eid is Here!

Eid is Here, by Waresa
Lightings on your window,
posters on your wall
streamers down the stairs
decorations, nice and tall.
Henna tattoos on your nails
all over your hands.
You buy dresses and clothes
that are expensive and grand.
Baking sweets,
brownies and cake.
Cooking delicious meals
that are easy to make.
Eid is here,
our time to laugh and cheer.