Thursday, November 27, 2014

High School Days, by Waresa

6:15 A.M.
Wake up feeling exhausted
and extremely tired
to go to school
with no desire

Getting dressed on time
Trying to look fine
But inside your head is aching
Your body is breaking

Cuz you didn't get sleep
You just wanna weep
Wishing to go to bed
School is such a dread.

So you finally make it to school
You swipe your ID card
As you make your way up the stairs
you fall down real hard.

 You pick yourself up
and hurry to class

But then you realize
you forgot to study for a test
You're to tired to worry and take stress
so you wing it and do your best.

And then lunch time comes.
You're really hungry and you're dying to eat
You stand on the lunch line
 and see they're serving haram meat

You ask the lunch lady if they have pizza
But she says, "no" and gives you a peanut butter sandwich

You go back to your table with your friends
and open the sandwich when you realize, there's only a pinch of jelly
and the sandwich starts to get smelly

So you throw out your tray
And you have to starve for the rest of the day.

And then after school you realize,
you have homework for every class
and you have to study for 4 different tests.

The cycle goes on until the school year ends
and all the stress leaves after the regents.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

3 Popular Quotes We Don't Pay Much Attention To

1) "Choose Your Friends Wisely"- Yes, we hear it all the time. But it's true. If we could only choose the right people to hang out with, we wouldn't have to deal with problems such as peer pressure, friendship break ups, and drama. Some people just like creating drama and others just use you. These people are not true friends. Before we consider someone as a best, or a close friend, we have to learn their personality. Sometimes you can easily figure out if you want a person to be your best friend. But that's not always the case. Situations come up in which your "best friend" could surprise you.
Best Friend ForeverOkay for example, lets say you and your friend have known each other for a few months. And you guys love hanging out with each other. It's like the perfect friendship. But then your friend finds someone else and wants to hang out with that person. Slowly, she starts to avoid you sometimes. She doesn't talk to you when she's with her other friend. But then when other friend is gone, she comes back to you. Yup, she was using you. But you're so upset because you guys were so close and she was like a picture perfect friend. You guys had so many years ahead of you. And you could have spent it together. But it's over and you have to find someone else. Just make sure, you choose your friend even more wisely. And don't consider them your best friend right away. It takes more than just a few months.
2) "Think Before You Speak"- So you're chilling with your friend and you guys are having a conversation about some people and you say something extremely bad about someone, something like "she's so annoying! She laughs too much". Your friends laugh at what you say and you go on because you enjoy the attention and you don't think about the consequences. The person you called "annoying" has helped you in the past. But, of course, you forgot about the good traits about that person. SO a couple of months pass by and the girl you called annoying stops talking to you. She doesnt even look at you and gives you the meanest looks when you pass by her. You sit next to her and you say "hi" to her but she gives you a disgusted look. And then you remember what you said about her, only its too late. Somehow, she found out what you said. We live in a small world and things spread extremely fast. This was just an example but things like this happen. You say things about someone which causes problems.
3)"Dont Give Up!"- Yes we hear this all the time. But it's true. Never say never. Just keep trying and never give up. One time there was an essay contest. It was for the whole New York City and it was from grades 5-8. I was in 5th grade at that time. So i wrote the essay and i was like "What's the point?"But i kept on writing and i tried to write a really good essay. And guess what?? I WON! Out of the whole New York City. The video is on youTube btw.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dont Worry Too Much

Many people worry and constantly try to prevent bad things from happening to them. their worries often take over their peace and happiness. But as believers we should not worry. We should know that if anything goes wrong, it might be a test for us.
“The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allaah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2396) and Ibn Maajah (4031); classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi
We should also remember that our problems in this life are not permanent because we are not permanent. This world is not forever. 
Also, if anything bad happens to a believer he should be positive.
The Prophet (saws) said, “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2999).  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Make Dua, by Waresa

For comfort and cure
relief and peace
help, satisfaction, and happiness
make du'a

For removal of sins
sadness and despair
all you have to do is make du'a

For wishes to be granted
blessings to be showered on you
make du'a

For protection, health, wealth, and safety
and to be provided,
make du'a.

For solutions to problems,
      cures to pains and struggles,
        relief from stress,
       make du'a.

Du'a is truly a beautiful blessing
it's a way to communicate with Allah                          
at any time of the day or night.

Du'a is the key to strong faith
happiness and a better fate.

It's a form of worship
it's empowering and fulfilling
it gives hopes to hardships
cures to concerns
patience with problems
so don't forget to make du'a.

COPYRIGHT Muslim And I Know It 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hold on to Your Candle

Picture this,
You are in the dark jungle and the only thing you are given is a candle. You must make your way across the jungle and ignore the other things like animals, bugs, noises, etc. After the jungle there is a place filled with light and peace. So to pass the jungle you need this candle. It's your only light and it will help you see in the dark jungle. You are walking with the candle in your hand and then it gets windy. You quickly cover the candle and make sure it doesn't blow away with the wind. Then you keep walking, and after a while it starts raining. You immediately cover the candle and make sure it is still lit. You will do anything to keep the candle safe in order to pass the jungle and enter a place filled with light. You would not get distracted by other things. If you saw a bunch of fireflies, you wouldn't just let go of the candle and follow the fireflies. 

Now think about reality. The candle is like our faith in Allah. The jungle is this world. The distractions are waswaas (evil thoughts from Shaytan), the fireflies are the worldly desires and attractions. The place of peace is like Paradise. You would not give your candle away,  because it's your only way to pass the jungle; likewise, you would try to hold on to your Imaan (faith in Allah) because it's your only way to Paradise (Jannah).
