6:15 A.M.
Wake up feeling exhausted
and extremely tired
to go to school
with no desire
Getting dressed on time
Trying to look fine
But inside your head is aching
Your body is breaking
Cuz you didn't get sleep
You just wanna weep
Wishing to go to bed
School is such a dread.
So you finally make it to school
You swipe your ID card
As you make your way up the stairs
you fall down real hard.
You pick yourself up
and hurry to class
But then you realize
you forgot to study for a test
You're to tired to worry and take stress
so you wing it and do your best.
And then lunch time comes.
You're really hungry and you're dying to eat
You stand on the lunch line
and see they're serving haram meat
You ask the lunch lady if they have pizza
But she says, "no" and gives you a peanut butter sandwich
You go back to your table with your friends

and open the sandwich when you realize, there's only a pinch of jelly
and the sandwich starts to get smelly
So you throw out your tray
And you have to starve for the rest of the day.
And then after school you realize,
you have homework for every class
and you have to study for 4 different tests.
The cycle goes on until the school year ends
and all the stress leaves after the regents.