Poetry, Meaningful Quotes, Islamic Info, etc... Hope you enjoy reading my poems & if any suggestions feel free to post a comment. :)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Is Music Haram? Is Singing Haram?
Is Music Haram? Is Singing Haram?, by Tajreen Islam
Before we label music as haram or halal, we have to understand that music and songs are different. Music consists of instruments that we use to make beats or rhythms. Songs are composed of vocals and lyrics.
When it comes to music, yes, it’s Haram! Musical instruments are shaytan’s instruments.
In Islam, music is forbidden. (The exception is the daff – without any rings. When used by women on Eids and at weddings).
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Narrated by Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari)
When do we talk about something that is permitted or not? When something is impermissible, right?
When do we ask about something being halal or haram? When there is a possibility of it being haram.
In Muslim countries, you don’t ask if the meat is halal or not. Because Muslim countries will most likely serve halal meat by default. However, we ask if food is halal or haram here in this disbeliever country because meat here are haram. So, when the Prophet talked about some of his ummah who will permit those haram acts; meaning they will accept haram as a halal.
If you notice many Muslim men, they don’t know that silk is haram; or some people know it but out of disobedience and arrogance they wear cloth made out of silk, regardless. So, just because they wear it either knowingly or unknowingly, is silk halal for them? No! Silk is haram for men.
Now look at the drinking issue. Some Muslim men in this country or even in Muslim countries, they drink occasionally or formally. So, now does it make drinking halal? Even if someone says, “Oh I just drink occasionally and I am a moderate drinker,” would you think it is okay for him/her to drink? Of course not. You will say it’s Haram!
How about Illegal sexual intercourses (Zinna)? If someone says it's okay for someone to have relationship with you, a girlfriend or boyfriend, before marriage, how would you feel? What would you say? It’s Haram!!!
Of course, you would say its haram to all of those things, from silk to zinna. So, since when and how is music any different from those major sins? Who made music exceptional or made it halal?
As you could see in this authentic hadith, it specifically talks about major sins and music was one of them. If music wasn’t haram, the Prophet (s.a.w.s) would NOT mention music alongside with the other major sins.
So as we can see music is haram and it’s a major sin.
Some scholars were so strict about music that they would say who ever listens to music will become disbeliever. Some scholars would compare those who listen to music with hypocrites. Some scholars would not even take their witness as trustworthy. SubhanAllah, it’s that serious.
So, please don’t take music lightly. If you hear any other difference of opinions other than what I mentioned, don’t pay any attention to them. Like the Prophet (s.a.w.s) said, there are people who will try to make it halal. But music will be never halal or permissible no matter how hard someone tries.
Anything that’s harmful is haram in Islam
Zinna harms the society and the emotions
Alcohol harms the health and the spirits
Silk harms one’s personality and behaviors
Music harms the heart.
Now let’s talk about songs. Are all songs haram? The answer is that it depends;
If there are no haram words, filthy words, vain words, if there are no men and women singing together; if men and women don’t take singing as a career. There should be no song recordings after the reach of puberty. Kids singing nasheed without music and decent kids songs on Eid days or gatherings like that, is okay.
Narrated Aisha: That once Abu Bakr came to her on the day of 'Id-ul-Fitr or 'Id ul Adha while the Prophet was with her and there were two girl singers with her, singing songs of the Ansar about the day of Buath. Abu Bakr said twice. "Musical instrument of Satan!" But the Prophet said, "Leave them Abu Bakr, for every nation has an Eid (i.e. festival) and this day is our Eid."Sahih Bukhari 2:15:70
However, now days in this generation, songs are not normal songs. Songs make people abnormal. If you listen to the lyrics of songs, they will make your iman weak right away. It makes your “hayah” “shy” and “modesty” go away. Those words are not only valgus or vain; the words are shameless, dirty shytanic words. Every song nowadays, either its hip-hop or rap or any other kind of music, has filthy curses in the songs or shameless words that just hearing it makes you shameful or shameless. I’m shameful to hear it but some people are shameless to hear it. The words are so horrible and dreadful, that just saying or singing it without music makes your tongue and mouth dirty. On top of that, musical instruments are added, which is shaytan’s instrument, you could imagine the consequences. People go viral, emotions get out of control, and life gets messed up!
One of shaytan’s most powerful instruments that he uses to move mankind away from The Love of Allah is music. It’s like a weapon; it kills the “fitrah” that everyone is born with. Fitra is the instinct, the constitution, the natural nature which is inclined towards the right actions and the submission to Allâh, the One God. Fitrah is a blessing of Allah. And music kills it.
So when there is no fitrah in the heart, there is no love for Allah. The person starts to distance him/herself from Allah. It’s the first step to take the person to astray. Music is a disease for the heart. Music makes a sound, believing heart into a “weak” “disobedient” heart, the heart which doesn’t want to get “hidaya”the guidance from Allah. You will notice that the people who are into music, who love singing, and listening to music, can’t tolerant the Quran. Quranic recitation irritates them. It annoys them. It bothers their ears.
Because, one of the thing that bother shaytan and shaytan hate the most is the Quran “The words of Allah”.
Allaah says in Soorat Luqmaan (interpretation of the meaning): “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6] Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this aayah was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments (lit. woodwind instruments).
Music, “shaytan’s instrument” and Quran, “the Words of God,” these two things can’t co-exist in the same place at the same time. IF someone says he/she likes both, music and Quran, then something is wrong with his/her heart. It’s a sign of hypocrisy. If he/she loves the Quran and understands the Quran, there is no way he/she can have love for music.
Quran and Music are both are very powerful inspirations. One inspiration is from God and one from Shaytan. Music is a powerful instrument of shaytan, it goes through your bloodstream, to you mind and then to you heart. Have you ever noticed, if you hear a song, even for the first time, it sticks to your head? Doesn’t it? And think about the songs that you love or hear constantly. Those lyrics play all day in your head, in your mind, in your ears, as if it’s part of you. You can’t get rid of them. You go to bathroom, the song will ring in your ear, you go to study, it will stick to your head, even sometimes when you start praying, the lyrics will come in your mind and bother you. You go to sleep, the songs also go to sleep with you.
Therefore, those people who listen to songs, sing songs, indulge him/herself in music, its sticks to their mind, heart, and lips so strongly, that when the moment of the truth comes, the time of death comes, the songs comes to their mouths. They die committing sin and pleasing shaytan.
However, for those who leave music for sake of Allah subhanalla wata alah, Allah gives them the love for the Quran. So they find themselves enjoy hearing the Quran, it soothes their heart. It pleases their ears. When you give up something for sake of Allah, Allah gives you something better. And what can be better than Allah’s Words? So for those whose heart is pleased with Allah’s Words and when the moment of truth comes, he/she most likely would say “Allah’s words” inshAllah.
You could test yourself - when you get hurt, or break something, or drop something, what is the first word that comes out of your mouth? If its the “F” word or “s” word like sucks or damn etc., then you're are in trouble, because God forbid, what if when death comes, you say one of those words. That would be terrible!!!
On other hand, for those who say Subhanallah, Allhamdullillah, or Allahu Akbar all the time, inshAllah those are the words that will come out of their mouths.
So, let us pray, OH Allah please, I beg you to make our last moment the best moment. Let our last words be the best words. Oh Allah gives us the taquaha “the ability” to please you with our actions and words.
Copyright Muslim and I Know It
Before we label music as haram or halal, we have to understand that music and songs are different. Music consists of instruments that we use to make beats or rhythms. Songs are composed of vocals and lyrics.
When it comes to music, yes, it’s Haram! Musical instruments are shaytan’s instruments.
In Islam, music is forbidden. (The exception is the daff – without any rings. When used by women on Eids and at weddings).
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Narrated by Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari)
When do we talk about something that is permitted or not? When something is impermissible, right?
When do we ask about something being halal or haram? When there is a possibility of it being haram.
In Muslim countries, you don’t ask if the meat is halal or not. Because Muslim countries will most likely serve halal meat by default. However, we ask if food is halal or haram here in this disbeliever country because meat here are haram. So, when the Prophet talked about some of his ummah who will permit those haram acts; meaning they will accept haram as a halal.
If you notice many Muslim men, they don’t know that silk is haram; or some people know it but out of disobedience and arrogance they wear cloth made out of silk, regardless. So, just because they wear it either knowingly or unknowingly, is silk halal for them? No! Silk is haram for men.
Now look at the drinking issue. Some Muslim men in this country or even in Muslim countries, they drink occasionally or formally. So, now does it make drinking halal? Even if someone says, “Oh I just drink occasionally and I am a moderate drinker,” would you think it is okay for him/her to drink? Of course not. You will say it’s Haram!
How about Illegal sexual intercourses (Zinna)? If someone says it's okay for someone to have relationship with you, a girlfriend or boyfriend, before marriage, how would you feel? What would you say? It’s Haram!!!
Of course, you would say its haram to all of those things, from silk to zinna. So, since when and how is music any different from those major sins? Who made music exceptional or made it halal?
As you could see in this authentic hadith, it specifically talks about major sins and music was one of them. If music wasn’t haram, the Prophet (s.a.w.s) would NOT mention music alongside with the other major sins.
So as we can see music is haram and it’s a major sin.
Some scholars were so strict about music that they would say who ever listens to music will become disbeliever. Some scholars would compare those who listen to music with hypocrites. Some scholars would not even take their witness as trustworthy. SubhanAllah, it’s that serious.
So, please don’t take music lightly. If you hear any other difference of opinions other than what I mentioned, don’t pay any attention to them. Like the Prophet (s.a.w.s) said, there are people who will try to make it halal. But music will be never halal or permissible no matter how hard someone tries.
Anything that’s harmful is haram in Islam
Zinna harms the society and the emotions
Alcohol harms the health and the spirits
Silk harms one’s personality and behaviors
Music harms the heart.
Now let’s talk about songs. Are all songs haram? The answer is that it depends;
If there are no haram words, filthy words, vain words, if there are no men and women singing together; if men and women don’t take singing as a career. There should be no song recordings after the reach of puberty. Kids singing nasheed without music and decent kids songs on Eid days or gatherings like that, is okay.
Narrated Aisha: That once Abu Bakr came to her on the day of 'Id-ul-Fitr or 'Id ul Adha while the Prophet was with her and there were two girl singers with her, singing songs of the Ansar about the day of Buath. Abu Bakr said twice. "Musical instrument of Satan!" But the Prophet said, "Leave them Abu Bakr, for every nation has an Eid (i.e. festival) and this day is our Eid."Sahih Bukhari 2:15:70
However, now days in this generation, songs are not normal songs. Songs make people abnormal. If you listen to the lyrics of songs, they will make your iman weak right away. It makes your “hayah” “shy” and “modesty” go away. Those words are not only valgus or vain; the words are shameless, dirty shytanic words. Every song nowadays, either its hip-hop or rap or any other kind of music, has filthy curses in the songs or shameless words that just hearing it makes you shameful or shameless. I’m shameful to hear it but some people are shameless to hear it. The words are so horrible and dreadful, that just saying or singing it without music makes your tongue and mouth dirty. On top of that, musical instruments are added, which is shaytan’s instrument, you could imagine the consequences. People go viral, emotions get out of control, and life gets messed up!
One of shaytan’s most powerful instruments that he uses to move mankind away from The Love of Allah is music. It’s like a weapon; it kills the “fitrah” that everyone is born with. Fitra is the instinct, the constitution, the natural nature which is inclined towards the right actions and the submission to Allâh, the One God. Fitrah is a blessing of Allah. And music kills it.
So when there is no fitrah in the heart, there is no love for Allah. The person starts to distance him/herself from Allah. It’s the first step to take the person to astray. Music is a disease for the heart. Music makes a sound, believing heart into a “weak” “disobedient” heart, the heart which doesn’t want to get “hidaya”the guidance from Allah. You will notice that the people who are into music, who love singing, and listening to music, can’t tolerant the Quran. Quranic recitation irritates them. It annoys them. It bothers their ears.
Because, one of the thing that bother shaytan and shaytan hate the most is the Quran “The words of Allah”.
Allaah says in Soorat Luqmaan (interpretation of the meaning): “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6] Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this aayah was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments (lit. woodwind instruments).
Music, “shaytan’s instrument” and Quran, “the Words of God,” these two things can’t co-exist in the same place at the same time. IF someone says he/she likes both, music and Quran, then something is wrong with his/her heart. It’s a sign of hypocrisy. If he/she loves the Quran and understands the Quran, there is no way he/she can have love for music.
Quran and Music are both are very powerful inspirations. One inspiration is from God and one from Shaytan. Music is a powerful instrument of shaytan, it goes through your bloodstream, to you mind and then to you heart. Have you ever noticed, if you hear a song, even for the first time, it sticks to your head? Doesn’t it? And think about the songs that you love or hear constantly. Those lyrics play all day in your head, in your mind, in your ears, as if it’s part of you. You can’t get rid of them. You go to bathroom, the song will ring in your ear, you go to study, it will stick to your head, even sometimes when you start praying, the lyrics will come in your mind and bother you. You go to sleep, the songs also go to sleep with you.
Therefore, those people who listen to songs, sing songs, indulge him/herself in music, its sticks to their mind, heart, and lips so strongly, that when the moment of the truth comes, the time of death comes, the songs comes to their mouths. They die committing sin and pleasing shaytan.
However, for those who leave music for sake of Allah subhanalla wata alah, Allah gives them the love for the Quran. So they find themselves enjoy hearing the Quran, it soothes their heart. It pleases their ears. When you give up something for sake of Allah, Allah gives you something better. And what can be better than Allah’s Words? So for those whose heart is pleased with Allah’s Words and when the moment of truth comes, he/she most likely would say “Allah’s words” inshAllah.
You could test yourself - when you get hurt, or break something, or drop something, what is the first word that comes out of your mouth? If its the “F” word or “s” word like sucks or damn etc., then you're are in trouble, because God forbid, what if when death comes, you say one of those words. That would be terrible!!!
On other hand, for those who say Subhanallah, Allhamdullillah, or Allahu Akbar all the time, inshAllah those are the words that will come out of their mouths.
So, let us pray, OH Allah please, I beg you to make our last moment the best moment. Let our last words be the best words. Oh Allah gives us the taquaha “the ability” to please you with our actions and words.
Copyright Muslim and I Know It
Friday, February 8, 2013
"Dont be a slave of this dunya (world)
Be a slave of the Creator of this dunya (world)."
If your heart is content with the indulgent lifestyle of this world, then take a moment to check your heart. A sound heart would not be satisfied by the indulgence of this world. There is more than the desires of this world that the hereafter has to offer.
Be a slave of the Creator of this dunya (world)."
If your heart is content with the indulgent lifestyle of this world, then take a moment to check your heart. A sound heart would not be satisfied by the indulgence of this world. There is more than the desires of this world that the hereafter has to offer.
InshaAllah, by Waresa
Dont worry
Dont stress
Take it easy, do your best
InshaAllah everything will be fine,
and everything will be alright :)

Dont worry
Dont stress
Take it easy, do your best
InshaAllah everything will be fine,
and everything will be alright :)
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