Sunday, June 2, 2019

Wearing Hijab is Obligatory, Not a Choice

In our generation today, unfortunately we have witnessed events and scenarios where women who have worn the hijab have removed it and justified their actions by saying it is their choice.

I've made a whole thread about this on Twitter and I decided to post it here as well.

First and foremost, wearing the hijab is faardh (obligatory) and there is no exception. This needs to be made clear because apparently many Muslims do not understand this. Just like praying 5 times a day is obligatory upon us, wearing hijab is obligatory upon women. 

Muslims are so quick to say “it’s your choice, it’s your life.” 

Women who don't wear hijab or take it off try to defend their decision by saying it is their choice and they make it sound as though the act of wearing hijab itself is “optional “ when it is NOT optional at all. 

We need to be careful when saying “hijab is a choice.”

Rather we can say “Following the commandment of wearing hijab is a choice but that choice comes with responsibility. Wearing hijab is obligatory (Fardh) and disobeying this commandment is a sin.” It is your choice of whether or not you wear the hijab, but you will have to pay the consequences for not wearing it in the Hereafter.

This is true for other sins as well. For example, not wearing hijab, not praying, not fasting in Ramadan, all of these are sins and you will be held accountable for them. Saying it is your choice on whether or not you do obligatory actions does not justify your sin of not doing them and it does not change the fact that there are consequences.

The fact that I’m stating “hijab is obligatory” so many times is because more recently we have witnessed Muslim hijabi fashion influencers who have removed their hijab despite the fact that they have a large platform and millions of followers (i.e Dina Tokio)

When hijabi influencers with a large platform openly take off their hijab, what’s worse is when they justify it and make it seem as though THEY are the victims. 

There is no justification and you cannot change the commandment of wearing hijab to fit your personal needs.

And then we have Muslims who are so quick to comment “don’t judge, stop with the hate comments, it’s their choice.” No one is denying the fact that they have free will. But when Muslims who care about the ummah comment about hijab, it’s deemed to be judgemental or hateful???

Yes, it is your choice whether or not you obey this commandment but denying that wearing hijab is obligatory is an act of Kufr (disbelief). Especially when you have such a large amount of followers, you will in fact be responsible for the content you put out there.

“And tell the believing women... to guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands...”
[al-Noor 24:31]

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Our World Today

We live in a world
where everything is filtered.

Smiles on our faces
cover the dark sadness within us.

No one wants to talk about it,
no one opens up for the fear of being judged.

Our generation has become cold-hearted
only 5% of the population is genuinely good

Everyone is fake, no one wants to show they care
it seems like everyone wants to go with the flow and not care at all.
Not caring has become the norm in our society

Because if we show we care,
all of a sudden we are labeled "clingy" or "annoying."

If we love too much, we are called "obsessed."
If we worry for others all the time, we are known as "paranoid."

The definition of "normal" has deteriorated
and sadly, in a world like this, "cold" and" heartless" are the two traits that everyone learns to possess.

This is the sad reality of our generation today
We have become so lost and broken

And what's worse is that
the happy people are looked down upon
The ones who love and care more, are advised to love and expect less from others.
They are told to toughen up.
They are told that the world is not a happy place anymore so there is no reason to smile or get their hopes up.

Having a true, loving heart is now an accomplishment
when it's supposed to be general

Our world has lost the genuinely loving people
and we continue to break apart as our lives become filled with fake sources of joy and fake people


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trump’s Muslim Ban Brings Back Love and Unity

Back in December 2015, candidate Donald Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims” from entering the United States of America.
Now, January 2017, President Donald Trump has officially banned 7 Muslim majority countries (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen) from entering the United States. People all over the world are in shock. Did he seriously stick to his word? He actually banned Muslims from entering the United States?
Every time I check the news or go on Facebook, all I see is “Trump’s Muslim Ban,” “Protestors at JFK Airport,” “Refugees,” “Deportation,” “#NoBanNoWall.”
Now when reading the title of this article, you might be a little shocked. Like how on earth is this ban bringing back love?? Just look at the positive spin on this heated topic.
As Trump tries to ban more and more Muslims, people across America become more aware of Muslims. Think about it. This hidden discrimination toward Muslims is no longer secret. The problem has been identified. We have been working so hard to not voice this problem. We have been ignoring this issue for too long.
As Muslims, we secretly suffered from hidden racism, a problem that no one actually took into consideration. It was like “oh it’s just a tiny flaw this country has” but when Trump actually openly and directly targets Muslims, and when we see the number of hate crimes occurring recently, it makes everyone realize, “hey, this is an actual problem that needs some fixing” or “wow I never knew people could be so cruel and heartless.”
You can never get cured without first admitting that you have an illness. Likewise, you cannot expect positive changes or a solution without understanding that there is a problem. 
For so many years, this hidden disease of racism was never spoken aloud. It was just harbored in the hearts of ignorant Americans.
But not anymore, because we are finally getting the attention we need,
We are the discussion, we are the topic, we are now the news of America. And, we are receiving support and sympathy from so many. We are coming back to our Muslim identity and working within our Muslim community.
“Haters make you famous” Trump has put so much attention on Muslims that people have actually converted to Islam when trying to learn about what Islam actually teaches. This campaign and election has opened the eyes of many ignorant Americans.
Through Trump’s ban, we can differentiate the genuinely generous from the hypocrites. We can finally see who has our back when things go wrong. We have discovered who our true friends are and we now know who we can count on.
Once again, people are actually searching for the true meaning of democracy. People are coming to understand the immense power of unity and working hard to strive for a change.
The true definition of democracy is being revived and we are renewing the basic rights of humanity. Protests, boycotts, speeches, all these small democratic actions can lead to a bigger change.
Think about all the people that have stick up for us through this process. Let’s just look at some facts and statistics from the past few days:
·         Protests broke out across the country in response to President Trump's refugee and travel ban
·         Prime Minister Trudeau reacted to Trump’s ban of Muslims by tweeting: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.”
·         “Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday accused President Trump of "fostering hatred" with his executive order barring people from certain Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.”
·         Trevor Noah-“We need to stand in solidarity with Muslim people who are being targeted by Donald Trump, if they start registering Muslims in America, we all register as Muslims.”
·         “New York Mayor Bill de Blasio condemns Donald Trump's Muslim ban as 'un-American'
·         Even Pope Francis, a Christian pope, has rebuked Christians who support the Muslim ban. “Addressing a gathering of a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany on Saturday, Pope Francis condemned the hypocrisy from Christians who are merciless to refugees and people of other faiths,”

People are trying to support Muslims as much as they can. People are turning back to love to end this discrimination. Celebrities, famous figures, mayors, policemen, senators, judges, activists, SO MANY PEOPLE ARE OUTRAGED. Protestors have been protesting with signs standing in the cold for hours.  Activists are working hard every day to bring back equality.
With all the worries and stress going on amongst the Muslim community right now, I want to bring out the positive side of this whole topic. And I wanted people realize how much effort is being put into these long protests and hard work to fight for democracy and freedom.

Although people are in fear of what can come next, these executive orders and actions are bringing America back to love, unity, and true democracy.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Look Beyond...

There isn't a dead end
in our road of imagination

There isn't a stop sign
to the street of boundless possibilities...

and there is no boundary
to our strengths and capabilities.

Yet, we still fail to comprehend
the capacity of our abilities,
the exceeding intellect of our minds,
and the wonders of this world
we still have yet to find.

through struggles and agony,
through the darkness of this life
we can find ways to strive towards a successful destiny.

Using our eyes as cameras
to capture every single moment,

using our minds as compasses
to navigate our way through life,

and using our hearts as guides
we can look beyond the negativity in this world.

Ambitions and motivation are tools needed
to make the future as bright as possible

to make our dreams a reality
and bring back love and tranquility.

It's about using optimism to fight negativity
and using memories to fight hardships

It's about looking beyond struggles
and fighting out negative emotions

Because only then, we will be able to make our goals become a reality
and get through this journey called "life."



Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Message To Your Ingenuity, by Waresa

You're not faulty or crude 
it's what you perceive yourself to be,
you're not oblivious  or confused
you don't need to be what the world wants to see  
You're naturally ornate 
beautiful at every state

You're luminous from within
just put trust in yourself
you just need to give yourself the chance to shine 
everything will be fine

just continue to glow and illuminate 
work towards your destiny and fate

and throughout this journey 
release your vivid reality 
and your true ingenuity. 


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Not a Care in the World, by Waresa

To see you coming, esoterically
in an inquisitive way

Standing tall and straight
not a single worry or care,
a piece of feeling I'd love to share

To see how free and painless
this life can be
to see how you ignore
your endless miseries

To feel lavish in tranquility
and peace in the mind
to feel the heart at rest
with much happiness to find

To be free from ambivalence
and endless uncertainty
to feel certain and guaranteed

Not dubious or confused
with dilemmas and problems
but find solutions with ingenuity
to feel worry-free without perplexity
to feel certain in everything

Not a single worry in the world
not a single care
A piece of feeling I'd love to share

Copyright Muslim and I Know It 


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why Do Bad Things Happen? by Waresa

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" "Why do I always have to suffer?" "Why do difficulties and calamities exist in this world?"

Do these questions sound familiar? Did they ever cross you mind?
Well as Muslims we should know why people suffer and go through hardships. There are many Islamic lectures and websites that explain the answers to these questions.
I decided to compile all the answers and put them into this article. :)

Difficulties and Sufferings
In this life, we will face many different kinds of problems and hardships.
And it's completely normal. We are supposed to go through some tough times here and then.
"If the world was free of problems, paradise would lose it's value.” - Mufti Menk. 
"So what if this life isn't perfect? It's not Jannah,"- Nouman Ali Khan

First we have to understand that as human beings, we are inherently limited. Humanity is a limited creation. So, human beings can never fully understand or completely comprehend 1) Allah (swt) Himself and 2) the rationale that Allah (swt) has for doing what He does.
Human beings are limited and Allah (swt) is Limitless.
We believe there are certain virtues  to trials, tribulations, and sufferings. But we also believe there are certain causes.

Causes of Hardships
1) It was from the Qadr of Allah. The difficulty was supposed to happen.
64:11 "No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah . And whoever believes in Allah - He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things."
The difficulty you are going through was supposed to happen to you. It was already decreed. So we shouldn't say "if this happened," or "i should have done this instead" because whatever happened was already written down in our Qadr. This calamity or difficulty was "like an arrow that was shot and was supposed to hit you exactly when, where, how deep and how badly, it was already decided. It is perfect hit." -Nouman Ali Khan 

2) Difficulty hits you because of what you did:
Sufferings can be as a result of our actions. Our mistakes tend to bring on difficulties onto ourselves. When we make a mistake, the residual effect of that mistake is another mistake. You have to take responsibility for your actions.
For example, if you drive extremely fast and then get a speeding a ticket, that's your fault.
Or if you didn't study and then get a 50 on the final exam, it's because you didn't study.
We have to acknowledge the fact that we were the ones that messed up.
Our acts can also have affect on our Ummah and our community. We can be the source of societal difficulties as well.
**When things happen to you that are out of your control, they are from Allah. (i.e. flood, car hits you, diagnosed with disease). When things happen within our control, we have to take responsibility.

3) Our misdeeds and sins tend to bring on difficulties onto ourselves.
Allah (swt) will test the one who committed sins and acts of disobedience with calamity by way of recompense and immediate punishment (i.e., in this world). 
4:79 "What comes to you of good is from Allah , but what comes to you of evil, [O man], is from yourself. And We have sent you, [O Muhammad], to the people as a messenger, and sufficient is Allah as Witness."

Reasons for Suffering and Hardships
1) Allah (swt) is testing you. By going through this pain and suffering and not finding the relief, it may be that this is a test from Allah (swt).
2:155 And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,
29:2 Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?
2:214“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, ‘When (will come) the Help of Allah?’ Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!Calamities and hardships test the strength of our Imaan (beliefs) and our patience.

2) Allah (swt) loves you. When Allah (swt) loves you, He does something to bring you closer to Him.
If Allah intends good for someone, then He afflicts him with trials. Source: Sahih Bukhari 5321, 
The prophet (saws) said, "When Allah loves someone, He will put him into difficulties," (Tarmidhee)

3) When Allah afflicts you with some kind of hardship, it's actually good for you. During times of difficulty, you tend to make more Du'a. By consistently making Dua to Allah, you're getting closer to Allah (swt). Your levels of sincerity become so high and you become a better Muslim.
 The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allaah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2396) and Ibn Maajah (4031); classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi

What To Do During Difficulties
1) Say,  Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji un Ø¥ِÙ†َّا للهِ ÙˆَØ¥ِÙ†َّـا Ø¥ِÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِ رَاجِعونَ‎
2:156 "Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."
When a calamity hits you, the first thing you should say is" Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un."
 Saying "We belong to Allah" reminds us that Allah owns us. How can we complain about anything because we're not the owner of anything; Allah owns us. We deserve nothing, we didn't earn anything. We take our eyes, our nose, our tongues for granted, but we didn't pay for it; it doesn't belong to us. It belongs to Allah.
Then we say, "We will return to Allah." This reminds us that our problems are not permanent. Whatever problem you're having right now isn't permanent; whether it's money problems, emotional struggles, health problems, family problems, it's temporary.
"you and I aren't permanent, how can our problems be permanent? This problem is nothing, forget the problem, I will leave. Not only will this problem not be around, I wont be around. I will be returned back to Allah." -Nouman Ali Khan.

2) Have sabr (patience). When something bad happens, have patience. For a Muslim, the attitude should be entirely different. Maybe the goal of the entire trouble you are going through was so you could have sabr. The real goal was to learn to have sabr.

3) Stay positive. At least the tribulation was in this dunya and not your deen. that it could be worse than it is, that it's in your worldly matters and not in your deen.You got tribulation in this dunya, but not in your deen. For example, you lost your job, but at least you didn't miss your prayer; you lost your wealth, Alhamdullilah you didn't lose your Imaan.
The Prophet said:

“Whoever is mainly concerned about the Hereafter, Allah will make him feel independent of others and will make him focused and content, and his worldly affairs will fall into place. But whoever is mainly concerned with this world, Allah will make him feel in constant need of others and will make him distracted and unfocused, and he will get nothing of this world except what is decreed for him.” [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2389; classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani
in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 6510].

Benefits of Sufferings
1) Expiation of sins- When you go through a difficulty and bear it with patience, inshAllah your sins will be cleared out.
The Prophet (saws) said, “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2999).

2) It makes your path in the next life easy. The difficulty in this life acts as a accelerator for someone's ease in the next life.
Muslim reports from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said "The poor of the Muhajireen will enter Paradise forty years ahead of the rich". (Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 2/663, no. 5235)
Since poor people went through so much difficulty in this life, Allah will remove the difficulty from their path in the next life.

3) When we go through difficult times, we learn to devalue this dunya. This dunya is nothing compared to the Hereafter. Your Imaan is directly related to how convinced you are that this dunya is dust. When you view this dunya in a way that's not important, then all of a sudden, your hardships and trials are less damaging.

 4) You only appreciate light when you've been in the dark. You only appreciate ease when you've been in pain. When Allah gives you a trial, you begin to appreciate the absence of trial.

5)You worship Allah in times of good and bad. When we get too much comfort, we become apathetic. This dunya is not meant to achieve the ultimate comfort or pinnacle of comfort.

6) We will be introduced to the hills of difficulty so that the valleys of ease become much sweeter and so that we don't lose focus of our relationship with Allah (swt) when we're in the valley of ease.
Suffering enhances our joy.

Things are put into perspective. Putting things in perspective makes you worry about what really matters. When you don't put things in perspective, you can focus on the wrong thing.

Copyright Muslim and I Know It


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pillars of Imaan

To believe in:
1) Allah (in His Existence, His Oneness in His Attributes, His deserving to be worshipped and supplicated and His right to legislate.)
2) The Angels
3)The Books (The Torah, Gospel, Psalms, and Qur'an)
   The belief in The Books Comprises of 4 matters:
1. To believe that the descent of the Books is truly from Allah (swt)
2) To believe in the Books whose names we know, each according to its name, like Al-Qur’aan which was sent down unto Muhammad (N), At-Tawraat which was revealed to Moosaa (O), the Injeel which was brought down to ‘Eesaa (O), and Az-Zaboor which was given to Daawood (O). As to those Books which we don’t know their names, we believe in them on the whole. 
3) To attest to their authentic information like the news told in the Qur’aan and (or) in the old Scriptures as long as they are not altered or changed. 
4)Acting upon its un-abrogated statutes, accepting and submitting to them whether we realize the wisdom behind them or we don’t. All of the old Scriptures are abrogated by the Great Qur’aan.
4)The Messengers
      The belief in the Messengers Comprises 4 Matters
  1. to believe that their Message is a true one from Allah
  2. to believe in those of them whose names we know. As regard to those of them whose names we don't know, we believe in them on the whole (as true Messengers from Allah (swt)
  3. to believe in what is authentically reported from their news.
  4. To act upon the Sharee'ah of the Messenger who is sent to us amongst them, and he is Muhammad (saws), the last o the Messengers (and Prophets) who is sent to mankind.
5) The Last Day (the day of resurrection for the reckoning of the people according to their deeds and their appropriate compensation (award or punishment).
6)Qadr (Divine Preordainment)
Belief in the Qadr comprises of 4 matters:  
First: The Belief that Allah (G) knew everything on the whole and in detail which took place in the past and is taking or will take place in the future and forever, whether it is related to His Actions or the actions of His Ibaad (creatures). 
Second: The Belief that Allah (G) wrote (everything pertaining to His Knowledge) in Al-Lauhul Mahfoudh.[1]  Regarding these two aspects (knowledge and writing

Third: The Belief that all created things do not come to exist except by the Will of Allah (G) making no difference whether it pertains to His Action or to that of the created beings
Fourth: The Belief that all beings are created by Allah including Thawaatiha (their selves), their qualities and their motion.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Eid is Here!

Eid is Here, by Waresa
Lightings on your window,
posters on your wall
streamers down the stairs
decorations, nice and tall.
Henna tattoos on your nails
all over your hands.
You buy dresses and clothes
that are expensive and grand.
Baking sweets,
brownies and cake.
Cooking delicious meals
that are easy to make.
Eid is here,
our time to laugh and cheer.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ramadan Family Activities

For this activity you will need a pack of balloons, post-its (or any piece of paper), and a marker. On each post-it write an activity or something the family will do together. Then fold up the post it, put it inside the balloon. Make 30 of these and put one inside each balloon. Then, after Iftar, every night someone from the family gets to pick a balloon and pop it. For example, one day the little brother gets to pop one ballon, the next day the father gets to pop another balloon.

 If someone pops a ballon and the post-it says, "Share a hadeeth," everyone in the family must share one Hadeeth.

here are some suggestions and ideas (some activities you can write on the post-it):
1) Share a Hadeeth
2)Recite 1 Surah from the 30th Juz.
3) Everyone will tell each other a story.
4) Eat ice-cream together as a family.
5)Play a game together.
6) Watch a lecture together.

These are just a few activities you can do with your family. You can come up with many more. These activities are meant to help you and your family get closer and build a stronger bond.
Hope you enjoy :)

Iftar Time, by Waresa

Counting the hours, minutes, and seconds
feeling your stomach rumble
waiting for iftar time
"I'm hungry" you mumble

biryani, samosas, chicken and rice, salad, noodles, pasta, 
preparing many varieties of meals
setting the table and making plates,
everything looks ideal 

everyone helps prepare and get ready for iftar time
family and friends gather together for this special feast,
they all break fast together
and eat during Iftar time, happily. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ramadan, by Waresa

The time of the year
The month has arrived
Filled with blessings and mercy
Which can change our lives

In this month, Ramadan
Your reward increases when you pray
Make your intention to fast everyday
The devils are chained
So it's easy to do
What Allah commands and
What's good for you

Read the Qur'an
For it is the guide for mankind
Which was revealed
At this month, at this time

Ramadan is the month in which we fast
change for the better, and erase the past.

copyright Muslim and I Know It

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Drinking? Smoking? That Stuff Ain't Fun

Smoking everyday??
Drinking all night??
tell me how you think this is alright

Always at the club?
Every single day?
please tell me how you think this is okay

Making it a habit?
Don't care what others say?
well stop justifying yourself, it's NOT okay

Committing all these evil acts
it's taking you away from the straight path

You need to realize this is extremely wrong
it's not making you strong, its just gonna make you suffer really long

Just stop being dumb
drinking and smoking? 
that stuff is not fun

You need to stop
before you go over the top

You need some help
if you cant put this to an end
find better people
get better friends!

Even if you enjoy it, it ain't gonna last
you will definitely regret it
you'll have to pay for the past

You are hurting yourself, no one else
if you think it makes you look cool
then stop being fooled!

And deep inside you know it's wrong, so don't pretend
or else you will regret and suffer till the very end ~

In the Qur'an it says:

"O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid
it that you may be successful." (5:90)

"Shaitan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?" (5:91)


Friday, May 8, 2015

The Queen in Every House, by Waresa

Giving up her life to help us succeed.
Going out of her way to provide us with what we need.

Working hard all day long
Not complaining and still staying strong.

Cooking varieties of meals and food
yet we still have the nerve to be rude

cleaning the house, sweeping the floor
vacuuming, wiping, mopping, dusting, and so much more.

supporting us in life
and giving advice
helping us when the world falls apart
aiding us to a fresh start

Giving love and care
filling us with happiness and delight
she brings comfort and joy
every single night

This queen is our mother 
she is loved and appreciated with all our hearts
without her support, the family's kingdom would fall apart


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Princess, Waresa

Painted with classy clothes
polished, glimmering in the light
Some would envy and loathe
but she would stand upright

Every day with dazzling scarves
Beautiful pins and accessories
Golden chains, jewels, and rings
ignoring her endless miseries.

Walking with dignity
standing straight with pride
with nothing to hide.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Zina, Sanzida Love

You are nothing but a test.
You come in a beautiful way.
Leave me restless.
Not in any decent way.
Oh you are a test!

To test my piety in the eyes
of my creator.
To see for how long,
How long I will refrain
or will i give in
and take all the
sinful pleasures .

You are nothing but a test.
Oh you leave me restless
with all the wrong moves
in all the wrong ways.
Just like the rest
of the duniya
boy you are a test.

I better watch myself and my heart
before i slip for you
and get on that wrong track
that track that takes you away from your chances
The chances of getting in jannah
Leaves you restless in duniya
as you ponder and wonder over the
rules and regulations.

You are the ultimate doom to my room
filled with peace.
I hope to suffer in other ways
but man one thing i don't hope for
is for me to die in your arms
or in any other way that
got you all involved with me
in all them wrong ways.
boy you are nothing but a test
and i shall refrain till my last breath!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

High School Days, by Waresa

6:15 A.M.
Wake up feeling exhausted
and extremely tired
to go to school
with no desire

Getting dressed on time
Trying to look fine
But inside your head is aching
Your body is breaking

Cuz you didn't get sleep
You just wanna weep
Wishing to go to bed
School is such a dread.

So you finally make it to school
You swipe your ID card
As you make your way up the stairs
you fall down real hard.

 You pick yourself up
and hurry to class

But then you realize
you forgot to study for a test
You're to tired to worry and take stress
so you wing it and do your best.

And then lunch time comes.
You're really hungry and you're dying to eat
You stand on the lunch line
 and see they're serving haram meat

You ask the lunch lady if they have pizza
But she says, "no" and gives you a peanut butter sandwich

You go back to your table with your friends
and open the sandwich when you realize, there's only a pinch of jelly
and the sandwich starts to get smelly

So you throw out your tray
And you have to starve for the rest of the day.

And then after school you realize,
you have homework for every class
and you have to study for 4 different tests.

The cycle goes on until the school year ends
and all the stress leaves after the regents.